Other projects
Over the years, we have been carrying out several temporary projects according to demand and Human and Economic means available.

Oral health campaigns
Together with the NGO Dentalcoop we have carried out periodically oral health campaigns in the town of Kafountine, where experienced dentists volunteers carry out oral cleaning, extractions, check ups and fillings at the local health centers, free of charge.

Ambulance for Kafountine
The NGO Banc de Recursos donated us an ambulance which we converted it and sent it to Kafountine so the it could used by the local population. The nearest hospital is in the neighbouring village of Dioloulou and if an ambulance is needed it could take up to 2 hours to arrive.

Karone islands literacy school
The Region of Casamance is situated around the River Casamance so it’s a zone of mangroves and many islands. It is very difficult for the population of these islands to have access to education. During this project, jointly with the association SIL ( International Society of Languages) we trained teachers in our school to give literacy classes in their native language, Karoninke.

Artemisia Annua crop
We believe that it’s necessary that the local population learn about how to efficiently use and manage their own natural resources as they are cheaper and accessible. For this reason we started to grow Artemisia in order to distribute it between the population affected by malaria. There are several studies that show proof that Artemisia has a lot of properties to cure and prevent this disease.

Battery recycling campaing and environmental education
In the town of Kafountine, as well as many nearby towns, there is no rubbish collection service and it is common to see rubbish piled up in improvised landfills around the countryside. During the rainy season these fill up with water and can cause very serious health problems. For this reason, together with the rural community (local Town Hall) we encouraged the collection of batteries to be recicled.Within the same project we had workshops on how to make toys out of used cans.

The massive logging that is carried out in the area to supply the firewood for fish smoking contributes to local desertification. Therefore, we started a fundraising campaign between our friends and visitors in order to reforest the affected soils with mango and orange trees. This project was carried out between 2011 and 2014.